Due to a Severe Weather Advisory, our planned event for this Saturday, July 29th, has been postponed.

What We Do

Prince George's Fire & EMS Foundation (PGFDF) was organized in 2014. PGFDF operates exclusively to assist the Fire Department/EMS to increase fire prevention awareness and to provide community programs that improve the quality of life and safety for all residents and visitors to Prince George's County, Maryland. We also:

Advise the Fire Chief on matters affecting the well-being of the citizens of Prince George's County

Organize open forums to assist in the dissemination of fire and EMS safety information to the community and to solicit views of citizens regarding fire, EMS, education and life safety issues


Residents Served
Projects Completed
Raised to Date
Partner Fundings
Happy Repeat Customers

Here are some of the ways you help us carry out that mission:

Dramatically reduce loss of life and property by correcting the most pervasive issue.

(Only 35% of fire fatalities have working smoke alarm)

In Maryland, the latest statewide fire death analysis by the State Fire Marshal’s Office for CY 2011 indicated that smoke alarms operated properly in only 35% of the fatal fire incidents. In 19% of the cases, they could determine that no alarm was present. In 38% of the cases, they could not determine if an alarm was present.

Imagine the lives and property we could save if close to 100% of Prince George County homes had fire alarms working properly.  It’s a large goal, but it’s one worthy of our focus.

Your donations place fire protection in the places where it is lacking most particularly low-income families with children and senior adults living in Prince George’s County.

Make fire safety a way of life, not just an afterthought.

Our organization partners with community organizations at all levels including churches, schools, and senior citizen centers on an ongoing basis. We help coordinate visits that bring volunteer ems and fire personnel to the most vulnerable in our community.

Your donations allow us to deliver vital information, materials, and continuing support that helps to transform fire safety into a way of life.

Match the special abilities of fire & ems professionals with special opportunities in our community to aid and protect life.

Whether it’s volunteer activities like creating beeping easter eggs for blind children or teaching children how to make phone calls in an emergency, your donations allow us to match the volunteer work of fire and ems professionals with all ages and levels of need in our community.

You see it in the toy drives, bike drives, and food drives as thousands in the community and thousands of emergency personnel work together to better the lives of others.

Many of these programs started as ideas that your donations of time and money made reality.

Get to Know Krowd

Fund the Next Big Thing

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There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in some form, by injected humou or words which don’t look.

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There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in some form, by injected humou or words which don’t look even slightly believable. There are many variations of but the majority have suffered.

Meet Our Team Members

Experienced People

World is Full with Creativity

Together We can Bring More Creativity into the World

Our Testimonials

What They Say

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